Holy Communion on Sun 22nd

Emma presides at today’s Communion service at 10am.

For a full round-up of activity in Axmouth and all the churches in the Axe Valley Mission Community, have a look at Pews News.

Morning Worship on Sun 15th

Lesley will be leading our worship on Sunday at 10 am. We look forward to seeing you and welcoming Harry who is going to play the organ for us.

Are we Whingers? Or Shapers?

A challenging question put to us by Roger at our Epiphany Communion Service on Sunday 8th. When we are dissatisfied with something, do we do something constructive about it? Do we “shape” the future? The service was taken by Rev Nicky.

What is your middle name?

In our New Year service, Hilary invited us all to consider our “middle name” for the year just beginning. She based it on the naming of Jesus on the eighth day, with reasons, along with various characters described in Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress”.

You had to be there for a full appreciation of the way she encouraged us all to think, but the essence was to think of a noun that sums up in positive terms how each of us would like ourselves to be – and think of it as our middle name for the season ahead…

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