Friends of Axmouth Church
Minutes of meeting held on 6 February 2012
Hilary welcomed everyone to the Friends’ update. There had been a meeting in the Church on 31 January with Louise Bartlett from DAC (Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches) and Trevor Gardner of Trevor Gardner Associates (Feasibility Studies and Consultation for Churches). Attended by Gavin, Hilary, Rose and Nigel who put forward the ideas to date on the future use of the Church eg Bindon aisle becoming main worship area, visitor options for main body of Church, installing a toilet, disabled access etc and these being environmentally friendly and highlighting the Church’s position in a beautiful area .A feasibility study is to be undertaken, financed by a grant/long term loan for which an application form is now being drafted.Trevor Gardner is returning on 20 February with an architect to assess the viability of the Bindon aisle ideas. Trevor and Louise both thought that the tower had visitor potential and other grants were available for financing the work required to enact this.
Proposed brochure to support grant applications for the tower repairs
Hilary advised that we are currently waiting for the faculty (planning permission) for repairs to the stonework. We have been awarded a certificate for the excellence of our application but now need to design a bright, positive brochure to send to grant – awarding bodies like English Heritage.Gavin will do the technical work on receipt of the text, photos etc.Volunteers were requested. Morag was put forward to head it up. She agreed and pointed out that grant bodies would want an e-mail version.
The future heating of the Church was queried. Hilary stated that the electric system needed updating and the linking of it to solar panels in the future made available. Paul said that a quote for the updating of the system had been obtained a few years ago and will pass on a copy of it. Comments on the need to keep the Church adequately heated were stated as the building would otherwise quickly deteriorate. Hilary said that it was necessary first to focus on the stonework and the feasibility study.
Tree pruning – Steve Woodman
Steve Woodman is coming back in the spring to do work as requested and Hilary asked people to note on the paper in the Church porch what they would like done. Dave stated that the pruning should be done now in the dormant period. Mike has arranged for East Devon Tree Surgeons to do the required work on the two cherry trees and Dave will deal with the cuttings.
Financial statement
Nigel handed out a Statement of Account for the period to 31 December 2011 showing a surplus of £4986. He advised that Gift Aid tax will be claimed after 5 April. The fund which is being built up will help when applying for grants. Nigel would like to develop the giving of donations through D/D.
Axminster Power Tools sponsorship
Mike had written to Axminster Power Tools and they have made a £50 donation. They have set up an account with this credited to it. Purchasing the floor oil was now proposed but Hilary advised that we now needed to wait for Gavin’s view on the future of the Bindon aisle floor. Comments were made that Gavin’s view could be noted but the final decision was not for him to make. Purchase of a multi-purpose oil is going to be considered.
Flagpole repairs
Dave reported that the flagpole was found to be in perfect condition and the repairs had been needed to its fixture on the roof. A brass fitting has now been put in place and it will therefore not drop again. Further work will be undertaken in April. Dave will organise a replacement flag.
Clock repairs and maintenance
Andy reported that the clock is working well. He winds it up every two weeks and adjusts for the very slight gain. The chiming of the bells was queried and Andy advised that a medieval cradle on the side prevented the bells from ringing.
Wildlife garden/bench
Crescy is in the process of making a single seat out of willow for the meditation area.
Quinquennial report
Hilary advised of the items listed on the report needing attention that had been actioned. Dave stated that he was happy to undertake all the minor repairs once they had been identified. The oiling of the outside doors will be done in the spring.
Ann advised that as there had been a lot of ideas and so many things going on, it would be a good idea to have a committee which included members of the various committees. Members agreed – Mike, Doris, Gill, Carol, Pat. A parish council rep will be agreed at their next meeting.The list of ideas provided by Gill and Georgie’s gardens idea will be taken forward. A village calendar was proposed and agreed. Morag will head this up. Ann and Paul will organise a ball at the sailing club. Gill and John will do a coffee morning. A Christmas tree festival will be looked into by Ann.
Other matters
Morag said that the committee was looking for support for the Jubilee celebrations. It will be a day event with entertainment, hog roast etc.
It was stated that a sign was needed stating what was acceptable to be left on the compost pile in the churchyard. Hilary will prepare the sign.
Wilf queried the talk about the end of the Church’s organist and choir. Hilary said that Alburn wanted to now be freelance and the future had not yet been discussed.
The meeting closed at 8.10 pm