The Marriage Preparation Course is absolutely superb, and better than that, it’s FREE!
Many couples invest a huge amount of time into their wedding that lasts only a day, but how many couples invest in their marriage that lasts a lifetime? We believe in marriage and we want to give you the best start possible. This is why we offer the Marriage Preparation Course. Wedding preparation is not marriage preparation!
The course is for any engaged couple who wants to develop foundations for a lasting marriage. Over five evenings spent together you will learn important tools that will enable you to make your marriage work. You will look at:
- the importance of commitment
- how to recognise and appreciate your differences
- the art of communication
- resolving conflict
- spending time together
- nurturing your friendship
- making each other feel loved
- developing a good sexual relationship
- the importance of talking about your goals, values and dreams
The evenings are very relaxed. You sit with your fiance, watch a DVD presentation and work through exercises together from booklets. We supply music, tea and coffee to make your evening more enjoyable.
The course runs for 5 evenings between 7.30pm and 9.30pm. Call the church office on 01297 444499 to find out when the next course starts.